The requirements for registration with the Sri Lanka Veterinary Council


1. Registration of Veterinary Graduates Qualified from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Veterinary graduates qualified from the University of Peradeniya and intend to apply to the Veterinary Council for registration as a veterinary surgeon shall submit the duly completed application from, two passport size photographs (3.0cmx4.0 cm) duly certified by a justice of peace (on the reverse) and the following original documents together with a photocopy of each such document to the Registrar of the Council:

  1. Birth certificate of the applicant.
  2. A character certificate issued by the Dean of the Faculty.
  3. Degree /Provisional Degree certificate issued by the University.

On receipt of the above, the Council at its discretion shall provisionally register the applicant as a veterinary surgeon for a period of six month. During this period, the applicant shall undergo a six month internship training conducted jointly by the Veterinary Council and the Department of Animal Production and Health. The Council shall, upon being satisfied that the applicant has successfully completed the internship, and having applied to the Council for registration and paid the prescribed fee, shall be registered as a veterinary surgeon and a certificate shall be issued to that effect.

2. Registration of Veterinary Graduates Qualified from Foreign Universities

  1. Veterinary graduates qualified from foreign universities and whose qualifications that are acceptable to the University Grants Commission (UGC) in Sri Lanka may apply to the Council in the prescribed from (Annex 1) initially for provisional registration as a veterinary surgeon and shall submit all the documents as Section 1.0 above.
  2. Shall be required to pass the examination conducted by the Council as described in Sections 6.

  3. After successful completion of the examination, the applicant shall undergo a six months internship training which shall be arranged by the Council on his/her request and may also be provisionally registered as a veterinary surgeon for the above period.

  4. After fulfillment of all requirements as per section 2.a , 2.b and 2.c having applied to the Council for registration and paid the prescribed fee, the Council upon being satisfied shall register the applicant as a veterinary surgeon and a certificate shall be issued to that effect.

3. Temporary registration

Foreign veterinary graduates with experience may apply to the Council for a temporary registration. Such applicants may be exempted from the above examination and internship training described above, and may be granted a temporary registration for a period not exceeding six months at any one time and at the sole discretion of the Council.

4.  Registration Fee

A one time registration fee of Rupees ten thousand (Rs. 10,000) shall be charged by the Council from each applicant at the time of registration.

5. Correspondance

All correspondence relating to registration with the Council shall be addressed to the Registrar and to the following address:

The Registrar

Veterinary Council of Sri Lanka

No. 68, Getambe, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

E-mail :

6. Examination for Foreign Graduate

The examination for foreign qualified veterinary graduates shall be held in English and it shall be held twice a year during the months of January and July each year, and shall consist of a written paper, a clinical / practical and a viva voce examination for each of the following subjects:

Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Surgery

Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics

In order to pass the examination, a candidate shall pass all the three subjects listed above by obtaining at least an overall average of 50 per cent of the mark allocated to each subject.

The examination fee shall be Rupees eight thousand (Rs. 8000) per subject and shall be paid to the Registrar of the Council before sitting for the examination. The fees paid shall not be refunded.

If a candidate fails in more than two subjects then he or she has to repeat the whole examination. If the candidate fails in only one subject it has to be completed in the next consecutive sitting.

7. Syllabus

  • The candidate is expected to possess the knowledge of the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of the following diseases and conditions of farm animals.

Foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pustular dermatitis, rabies, ephemeral fever, Japanese encephalitis, papillomatosis, enteritis of viral origin in neonates, swine fever, swine parvo viral infection, Procine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, Bovine viral diarrhea, Bovine leucosis.

Haemorrhagic septicaemia, black quarter, brucellosis, actinobacillosis, actinomycosis, foot rot, anthrax, enterotoxaemia, tetanus, mastitis, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, Johnes disease, pneumonic pasteurellosis.

Common parasitic infections in livestock caused by nematode, cestode, trematode, protozoal and arthropod species. The diseases will include, lung worm infestation, gastroenteritis, cerebrospinal nematodiasis, parasitic bronchitis, parasitic  skin  diseases, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, thileriasis, oestrus ovis infestation and trypanosomiasis. Trichophyton and microsporium infections.

  • The candidates is expected to posses the knowledge of the etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of following diseases and conditions of small animals (dog and cat).

Infectious canine hepatitis, parvoviral infection, distemper, rabies, feline panleucopenia.

Leptospirosis, enterotoxaemia, salmonellosis.

Nematode and cestode infections, filariasis, babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis infections, sarcoptic and dermodectic mange.

rychophyton and microsporum infections.

  • The candidate is expected to have the knowledge of the etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment prevention and control of following diseases and conditions in poultry.

Ranikhet, Marek’s, leucosis complex, laryngotracheitis, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, chicken anaemia, avian encephalomyelitis.

Pullorum, E.coil, Salmonellosis, infectious coryza, flow cholera, Nematode and   cetode infections, coccidiosis, Avian malaria, tick & mite infection.


Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies.

  • The candidate is expected to have a knowledge on etiology, clinical manifestation and diagnosis, of following conditions affecting farm and companion animals.

Congenital abnormalities :  Atresia ani, cleft palate, harelip, bull dog calf.

Nutritional deficiencies :  Vitamin, Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, copperand iron.

Metabolic diseases :  Ketosis,   hypocalcemia,   hypomagnesemia,     acidosis, pregnancy toxaemia, toxaemia, piglet anaemia, mastitis – metritis – agalactia syndrome.

Poisoning :  Urea, bracken fern, lead cyanide, organophosphorus

Hormonal :  Nymphomania, anoestrus, agalactia.

Management and miscellaneous conditions : Traumatic pericarditis peritonitis, impaction of rumen, snake bites, abomasal displacement, Downer cow syndrome, ruminal tympany.

  • The candidates is expected to have the knowledge and skill to deal with the following conditions in farm animals and companion animals.

Large animals : 

Caesarean   hysterotomy,   rumenotomy, correction of abomasal diaplacement, correction   of vaginal and uterine prolapse, dystocia, vasectomy, castration, correction of hernia.

Small animal :                      

Overo-hysterectomy, Caessarean hysterotomy, castration, correction of fractures, amputation, urethral obstruction, aural hematoma and post operative care of above conditions.

Anaesthesia :   

Epidural anaesthesia, field block, general anaesthesia, sedation and tranquillization.

  • The candidates is expected to have the knowledge and skill to deal with the following techniques and conditions relating to theriogenology in farm and companion animals.

Artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, oestrus synchronization, embryo transfer, breeding soundness, Semen processing, evaluation, storage.

Investigation of herd fertility, endometritis, pyometra, mummified foetus, foetotomy, hydrops amnion and hydrops allantois.

Principles of genetics, different types of breeding programs, national breeding policy and breed recommendations for different regions of the country.

  • The candidate is expected to be aware of the common vaccines used in the prevention and control of animal diseases.

  • In addition he/she is expected to know the Pharmacology of common drugs used in the treatment of diseases and conditions in animals. This should include the mode of action, pharmokineties, adverse effects of commonly used drugs and pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, antimicrobials, corticosteroids, diuretics, laxatives and purgatives, antihistamines, sedatives, analgesics, measures to avoid drug residues in animal products and regulatory pharmacology.

  • The candidate is expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the different livestock (cattle, buffalo, goat and swine) and poultry management systems in Sri Lanka. This includes the different farming systems in the various agro-ecological zones of the country, the relevant housing systems in each zone and the pasture/fodder available within each zone and constraints of livestock industry, Feeds, feed resources and feeding systems. Animal feed industry in Sri Lanka, ration formulation and use of crop residues and agro-industrial by products for feeding of livestock.

  • The candidate is expected to be aware of the laws and regulations related to livestock such as Animal Disease Act, Animal Act, Feed Act, Veterinary surgeons and practitioners Act, Rabies ordinance, Butchers Ordinance, Food act, Meat inspection and food quality assurance etc.

  • The candidate is expected to have competencies in the following:

    Carrying out general clinical examination on livestock, poultry, companion and wild animals;

    Postmortem examination on all livestock, poultry, pet, wild and zoo animals and interpretation of results;

    Perform common laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of diseases in animals.

    Management of dairy herds, breeding and commercial poultry farms, poultry hatcheries and swine herds.


  • The candidate is expected to have competence in the interpretation of special diagnostic procedures such as radiography, ultrasonography and laboratory reports on blood, urine, feacal samples etc.

  • A list of recommended reading materials/electronic resources could be obtained from the Registrar/ VCSL.